Aphids and West Space
An evening of eating skyscrapers, throwing paint and a death defying walk through the CBD.
It all started with an evening of eating, talking and wearing fabulously ridiculous head dresses. Precipice is a continuing series of conversations between artists, architects and other seriously interesting people.
Curated by Willoh S.Weiland these conversations take place in unexpected and inspiring locations around the Melbourne CBD. In previous meetings we have experienced dinner in a contemporary gallery, been deep under ground and even spent some time with Princess Diana’s private toilet.
More information on the project can be found through APHIDS online publication Post Impossible
Precipice was created with the support of the City of Melbourne through its Arts and Culture Triennial Program.
West Space Gallery, Melbourne
14 April, 2012
Federation Square & John Truscott Room, The Arts Centre, Melbourne
9 November, 2012
Images Bryony Jackson