
‘A runaway crowd pleaser’ — Jeff Pressing, The Age
Featuring the world premiere live performance of Samuel Beckett’s radio play, Radio 1 was performed by Ian Scott and Helen Hopkins, with music by Richard Rijnvos and the voice of John Cage. Followed by the explosive impact of Rijnvos’ S&M chains & thunder sheets percussion tour-de-force with Natasha Anderson on solo amplified bass recorder. The packed crowd was blown away.
John Cage Five, 1988, for any 5 instruments
David Young Val Camonica pieces: Stile I, II, III, 1995, for violoncello & guitar
Samuel Beckett Radio 1 (Esquisse radiophonique), 1961, music by Richard Rijnvos, performed by the Ives Ensemble 1990/91
Richard Rijnvos Zahgurim whose number is twenty-three and who kills in an unnatural fashion, 1987/88, for bass recorder & chains with 4 percussionists
Richard Rijnvos — composer / conductor
Ian Scott — he
Helen Hopkins — she
Natasha Anderson — amplified bass recorder
Guy De Blet — percussion
Claire Edwards — percussion
Peter Neville — percussion
Vanessa Tomlinson — percussion
Geoffrey Morris — guitar
Rosanne Hunt — violoncello
Lisa Trewin — lighting & production
ArtsHouse, North Melbourne Town Hall, North Melbourne
22 July, 8pm